Bump to Baby Shoot Package

74cropI have updated my photography price packages on my website to include a double ‘Bump to Baby Photo Shoot’.  This consists of one family portrait that focuses on your bump and then a post bump family portrait when the baby has arrived.  Its affordable & costs substantially less then booking two separate shoots.  As with all of my photography shoots, I include in the price all photographs edited  in colour and black and white on a CD.  This means you are free to print as many as you like, where you like and share with friends and family without costing you a huge amount additional to the shoot.  Its a good idea to book your bump shoot for when your bump is nearly at its fullest! So around 36-37 weeks…. any later and there is a good chance your baby could come early and you will miss the opportunity.  2 Minutes Old



Once the baby is born, its completely up to you when you would like to have your ‘new family’ shoot.  Freshly born babies are amazing to photograph but so are the more alert little ones…. Im always flexible and happy to change dates if you booked a shoot soon after the birth but really dont feel ready for it when it comes.  I have also been there at the hospital for births and taken photos of babies just minutes old… this is not everyones cup of tea but if its something you are interested in, I think its one of the most amazing moments in life that can be captured on camera.



I would be honoured to be a part of this amazing time in your life so if you are interested, have a look at my prices page for full details and costs of the Bump to Baby Package.

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